torsdag 9. februar 2012

What I am spending my time on

Right now, this is what I am spending my crafting time on, and I guess this is the main reason for not having had any FOs to show yet in 2012. The pattern is from an old magazine, and as I have only the pattern pages, I don't even know what magazine it is.

© Emma

mandag 6. februar 2012

The Destash will continue

Dette er grunnen til at destashen fortsetter, og også hvorfor jeg ikke kan kjøpe garn til å strikke Sylvi enda. Nå tenker jeg at jeg ihvertfall vil forlenge destashen til 1. juni. Dette garnet kjøtpte jeg i desember, og jeg har ikke engang begynt å bruke det enda. Litt irriterende å bryte garndietten nå.

This is the reason that I will continue with my destash, and not buy any yarn for knitting Sylvi yet. And I am thinking that I will at least prolong my destash to 1. June. I bought this yarn in the middle of December, and I haven't even started using it yet. I feel a little bad for breaking my yarn diet.

© Emma